Older items
- Munich Maker Lab :
Munich Maker Lab :
Our member Oleksandr built this cute, little keyboard. It’s a corne. He’s also doing a group buy for…
- Munich Maker Lab : Terry is currently working on a “Jeticopter” and wrote a blog...
- Munich Maker Lab : As there is no Chaos Computer Congress this year, we are...
- Munich Maker Lab : We recently had a bunch of students from TuM over to build an...
- Munich Maker Lab : After a long needed but also long lasting maintenance, we are...
- Munich Maker Lab : We are open! Join us every Thursday from 6pm for our open...
- Munich Maker Lab : Join our awesome intro courses! We are currently offering intro...
- Munich Maker Lab : Lots of welding and quite a bit of woodworking went into this lantern Milian built in our workshop 😍
- Munich Maker Lab : Jan built a camera robot that holds a smartphone and points its...
- Munich Maker Lab : We are (somewhat more) open again! Why don’t you come over and...
Munich Maker Lab :
The controller for some of the LED strips in the space needed a new case, so we grabbed this old UPS…
Munich Maker Lab :
The other day, one of our network switches broken, and just wouldn’t turn on. We had a replacement…
- Munich Maker Lab : Hey there!Just a heads up from us: We’re still alive, but the...
- Munich Maker Lab : Red was not the impostor
Munich Maker Lab :
Sven built a wordclock using our laser cutter. Awesome <3
- Munich Maker Lab : Aaron has built a shelf to store euro boxes. Came out very nice.
- Munich Maker Lab : Say hello to our two new 3D printers, Rusa and Lusa!
Munich Maker Lab :
The CNC is moving along nicely. The cover has a window now, and it makes really nice round things….
Munich Maker Lab :
It feels like space in the space has doubled. We finally finished removing the metal railing of the…
- FabLab München : Unser Laser graviert auch Pallatschinken!
- FabLab München : Photo
- FabLab München : Laser Oloid
- FabLab München : 3D-Druck Materialprobem
- FabLab München : Dream it. Build it!
- FabLab München : Magnetic Levitation!
- FabLab München : Etwas Ordnung für unsere Werkstatt!
- FabLab München : Neu im FabLab: ne weitere Lötstation! Danke an den Mann mit dem...
- FabLab München : Dieser Bauteiltester für 15 Euro erkennt sogar Dual-LEDs
- FabLab München : T-Shirt-Presse eingweiht! Sieht doch ganz anständig aus…
- FabLab München : Algorithmic Whiteboard Art
- FabLab München : Neu im FabLab: Ein alter Spielautomat! Jetzt brauchen wir nur...
- FabLab München : Ist sie nicht schön, unsere neue Werkzeugwand?
- FabLab München : Endlich das Werkzeug wieder ein bisschen sortiert.
- FabLab München : Große Eröffnungsfeier imFabLab
- FabLab München : Frisch aus dem Lasercutter
- FabLab München : Rundgang durchs Fablab, mitten im Umbau
- FabLab München : CNC-Fräse beim Fräsen eines Oloids
- FabLab München : Vorweihnachtsüberraschung! Jan aus München hat uns tolle Zwingen...
- FabLab München : Neu im FabLab: Rigol Speicheroszilloskop